Garden Built in the Holy Spirit is a Success from the Start
If I’d thought about what I was doing a few weeks ago, this garden Cheryl and I have going this year would have been a lot smaller.

But, as happens when I’m moved by the Holy Spirit, I didn’t do a lot of thinking. And the garden kept getting bigger and bigger. And Cheryl didn’t try to stop me.
So we’ve got us a garden now. And we don’t necessarily know what we’re doing. That’s okay. It’s God’s Garden, built in the Holy Spirit. And He certainly knows His stuff. The best Ag teacher ever, I say.
This is going to be an interesting spring and summer with all these plants: let’s see, radishes, carrots, potatoes, cherry tomatoes, beef steak tomatoes, strawberries, corn, green beans, lettuce, watermelon, cantaloupe, squash, cucumbers, okra, peaches (10 trees all total, nine grown from seed last year!) and pomegranates. Whew. That’s at least twice as many varieties of plants as any garden we’ve ever attempted before. His Spirit is moving mightily in this deal!
As we’ve set up God’s shop in our yard since late February, we’ve already made, and apparently recovered from, several important mistakes.
And we’ve certainly set out on an innocent (or maybe ignorant) path to many more mistakes to come. That’s sort of what beginners do, I guess.
No worries. I just keep hearing God encouraging me to keep on growing. So that’s what I’ll do. And I assume Cheryl is with me on that. She hasn’t registered any complaints so far, at least. Bless her heart! Did I mention we’ve found ourselves with a very big garden?
This “Garden Stories” part of my site is where I’m going to be sharing the lessons we’ve learned (and are sure to learn) in this garden. Its also where I feel like I’m going to end up doing a lot of flat out asking for expert commentary that might set us straight on some things. Community involvement in these posts encouraged!
But, before I move on to start typing the first such lesson, I want to give a quick plug to a blessed couple whose YouTube videos inspired me to try about half of this year’s garden: let’s see, the potatoes, the carrots, the radishes, the strawberries, cucumbers, the squash. Yep, Hollis and Nancy, ya’ll don’t (yet!) know ole’ Don and Cheryl down here in Texas, but we want you to know you’re videos are a blessing that we have already recommended several of our friends who, like us, are putting in a lot more garden time than usual during this blessed New Thing God is doing in our world.
It’s clear that God has long been preparing Hollis and Nancy for a glorious time such as this, and, in that, we celebrate.
Lord may none of us forget (or take for granted) the famous prayer by which Hollis and Nancy end each of their episodes: “By His Hands we are fed. Give us Lord, our daily bread.”