Miracle Report: Wedding Ring Found!
Praise the Lord for His New Thing!
Please know I was hesitant to start this happy little report with the above link to yesterday’s post comparing Easter 2020 to Israel’s first taste of freedom after Babylon’s demise. I was thinking the connection might not be as self-evident as I’m praying it will be, and I might come across as arrogant. (See Isaiah 43:19 along with the link above.)
So I asked God for discernment, and I felt His loving nudge: This exciting thing that Cheryl and I experienced this morning is, indeed, a product of the New Thing He is currently doing in our world. In the midst of hard times, He remains faithful to The Faithful! I humbly offer this story as our exited testimony to that. I pray it will encourage you as much as it has us, and I eagerly invite you to share your own miracle story in the comment section below. That would certainly be an even greater encouragement for us (and the world)!
Without further ado … Our Little Miracle!

Cheryl and I have suddenly realized this morning that neither of us can say exactly how long her wedding ring had been missing. I say it’s a least a year, maybe two. She says it’s at least several months.
We both just remember the several days of panic at her realization it was gone.
We both told God, many times, that we trusted the ring to Him and were confident in its eventual return. But we also looked for it everywhere, even in the craziest of places: the refrigerator, the microwave, drawers no one had opened in months, the pockets of my pants.
I assume you noticed the past tense “had been missing” above. (And I assume the picture and the title of this article didn’t escape you either. Sorry. I realize I spoiled this story from the start. Ha! But please try not to fret. There is a bit of kicker still to come. )
Praise the Lord, He returned Cheryl’s ring today!
Having long since released the ring entirely to God’s care, I walked across the street this morning on very routine business. (Not that it really matters, but I went to take our neighbor up on his offer to loan us his vacuum cleaner for use on Cheryl’s car.)
En route to the neighbor’s, I stepped past a paved spot at the end of our front porch — a spot that anyone who enters our home has to cross, and a spot that Cheryl and I both cross dozens time on any given day of yardwork or shopping or such.
We’ve had a couple of ant issues in the dirt near that spot in recent days. We have a bad habit of leaving our outside water faucet running near there, too. So I’ve sort of made it a practice this last week or so to pause a little as I pass the spot, just to make sure the water is off and the ants have not returned.
No ants and no water this morning as I headed for the neighbors’.
And no ring either. I know I would have noticed the ring.
Five minutes later, vacuum cleaner in hand, I returned to the spot.
And this time, the ring!
Praise be to God for, well, everything!

I confess, the ring as pictured on the pavement is shinier than it was when I found it. I was so excited at the sight of the dirt-covered treasure, I wasn’t thinking “picture” when I grabbed it and ran inside to show Cheryl. We had it soaking in soapy water for several minutes before I asked if we could take it back outside for the photo. (The journalists in me is rarely comfortable staging pictures. Sorry. Please know this photo does accurately show the location and position of the ring when I found it, at least. )
God put that ring in the path He knew I would take upon returning from our neighbor’s driveway. No other explanation is possible, I say. And I cannot even begin to guess what He did with the ring in all those months before.
Thank You, Lord, for this stunning answer to our months of prayers. And thank You for this opportunity to share this testimony of just one small, MIRACULOUS way you are at work for Your Goodness during this new age of Your New Thing.