God Relieves Stress
Today’s reading: Psalm 4:1-8
Late last night, after a series of frustrations with equipment and people that didn’t work as promised, I mumbled the most famous phrase in the history of American Stress Relief.
“I need a beer.”
I grabbed my car keys and headed for the store to get a six pack.
But God stopped me.
He was in the calm silence of the night, and He reminded me that I didn’t, in fact, need a beer. I just needed Him.
I came back home and had a few quick successes in some of the work that hadn’t gone well earlier. Then I went to bed, well satisfied with the day and very content in God’s love.
This all reminded me of some advice I’ve heard (and given) from time to time. If a project starts to turn stressful, they say, just take a break from it for a while. Walk around the block, grab a cup of coffee, play a quick computer game.
Today’s reading gives me reason to add something else to that list: find God.
I’m going to keep that at the top of my list, actually.
“When you are disturbed, do not sin; ponder it on your beds, and be silent. Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.” (Verses 4-5)
Thanks be to God for the best stress relief there is!