Life is a Matter of Remembering Christ

Today’s reading: Romans 6:4-11

I’m not sure whether drinking too much diet soda can be considered is a sin, strictly speaking, from a theologian’s perspective. But I recognize it as a destructive habit, for myself, so I certainly consider it a sin. And as with all sins, its temptations are constantly upon me.

Today’s reading helps me remember the glorious mental exercise I’ve developed for fighting this sin (and all others).

“So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” (Verse 11)

When I’m tempted to grab my 4th can of Coke Zero in a day, I (often, but unfortunately not always) turn my thoughts to the horror of Jesus’ agony upon the cross.   My mind turns the red letters on the can into blood dripping from Jesus’ hands. And, suddenly, I’m no longer interested in the soda.

“Here’s to you, Jesus!” I then say as pour myself a cold, delicious glass of water instead.

And, as I drink the water, I can always feel the glorious, eternal remnants of the disciples’ joy at Jesus’s Resurrection.

I am indeed dead to sin and alive, only, in Christ. (Though temptation often makes it tricky to remain alive.)

Thanks be to God for my (and our) eternal life through Jesus.