With God, Even Vengance is a Blessing

Today’s reading: Psalm 57:1-3

All throughout Bible (particularly in Psalms) lines like this one sometimes leave me feeling troubled:

“He will send from heaven and save me, he will put to shame those who trample on me. [Selah]God will send forth his steadfast love and his faithfulness.”

When I see such promises that God will cast shame and other ills upon those who have harmed me, my thoughts sometimes cry “when?”

I’ve been waiting patiently, for example, to see the happy news that the corrupt college leaders who unjustly retaliated against me professionally back in 2005 have finally gotten their due.

But the only news I hear of them is that their department keeps winning honors and respect. It wouldn’t surprise me, in fact, to one day see a building at the school named for the very woman God has promised to punish most harshly on my behalf.

Alas, our glorious God always helps me remember that this impatience of mine is foolish. I have forgiven these people, after all. If I see any of them again, say at a restaurant or grocery store, I won’t duck and hide. Rather, I am excited about the opportunity to offer them all a warm smile and even a hug.

And that will be their punishment!

I know that they will do all can to avoid me.  It makes me chuckle to think of the shame they will feel as I greet them with genuine happiness and, perhaps, even an apology.

I’m remembering the day, decades ago, when my father realized he’d been swindled by a crooked customer of his business. His response was to deliver donuts to the man’s office every Wednesday morning for weeks.

Seeing this as a teenager, I just thought my father was crazy.

But now I know he was just carrying out God’s blessed punishment against the man who cheated him.

I think I have just talked myself into not waiting for a chance encounter of my “enemies.” I think I’ll just stop by their offices at the college one day and extend a few friendly invitations to lunch.

My guess is they won’t accept. But that’s okay. I’ll just try again sometime. Ha!

Thanks be to God for making even revenge a glorious blessing.