Grace Is An Endless Opportunity

Today’s reading: Mark 2:1-12

Today’s reading brings to mind something basketball coach Bobby Knight reportedly  once said to a player.

“Steve, God is not going to provide any leadership on this basketball team. He couldn’t care less if we win or not. He is not going to parachute in through the roof of this building and score when we need points…..let me ask you this. Do you really think that God is going to help a team that I’m coaching?”

I’ll forgive his comedic crudeness, and I’ll leave it to theologians to argue about whether God takes sides in sporting events, but those questions aside, I think the legendary coach may be on to something.  I can envision him saying something similar to the paralyzed man in today’s reading, “God is not going to parachute in through the roof of this building and make you walk.”

I believe even Jesus would acknowledge that He is not the hero of this today’s story. The man is. Without that brave soul’s courage to stand and leave the gathering on his feet, the inspiring ending would never have been possible. All of God’s infinite blessings would have been lost (arguably even wasted) upon him.

For me, this parable is yet another reminder that I have a strong role in God’s grace. I must first accept it and then be brave enough to act upon it.  Too often I have been timid about grace in my life. I have been the paralyzed man, blessed beyond my dreams, but rendered helpless by my doubt.

Thanks be to God for eternal opportunity for glory. May I always have the courage to act upon that grace.